Storage & Safety

How Long Does Canned Food Last?

Published on July 4, 2024 | 0 Comments
How long does canned food last?

How long does canned food last, you ask? Ever found yourself staring blankly at that dusty can of beans tucked away in the back of your pantry, wondering if it's still safe to consume? Or perhaps you’ve done some food prep at home and are now wondering “how long does home canned food last?” If so, we have you covered. 

Imagine a world where your pantry shelves are lined with an army of canned goods, patiently awaiting their moment to shine. From succulent fruits to hearty vegetables and even the occasional canned meat surprise, these unassuming cylindrical vessels hold the key to effortless meal prep and a well-stocked kitchen arsenal. To make the most of it, and to find the answer to the question “how long does canned food last?”, be sure to read this guide.


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Does Canned Food Go Bad?

While canned goods may seem like the immortal guardians of your pantry, the truth is, even they have an expiration date. So, how long does canned food last? The lifespan of canned foods is far greater than their fresh counterparts. Most commercially canned foods can remain safe for consumption for years beyond their "best by" date, provided the cans are in pristine condition, meaning there are no dents, rust or bulging to be found.

So, we know canned food can last for a long time. But it doesn’t last forever. This means that it’s still important to answer the question “How long does canned food last before it becomes unsafe to eat?”  The longevity of canned foods largely depends on their acidity levels. Acidic canned goods, like fruits and tomatoes, tend to have a shorter shelf life, while their low-acid brethren, such as vegetables and meats, can endure for longer periods. But fret not, for we shall delve into the nitty-gritty details of each category, ensuring you never have to bid farewell to a perfectly edible canned treasure again.

How long does canned food last?
via Canva

How Long Does Canned Fruit Last?

Understanding the answer to the begged question “How long does canned food last’’ can help you better plan your grocery shopping and reduce food waste. And who doesn’t love the sweet nectar of canned fruits? Offering a burst of sunshine with every bite, these high-acid delights can maintain their quality for up to 18 months on the shelf, though their flavor may gradually diminish over time. 

Even after that golden period, they are safe to consume provided the cans remain intact and free from blemishes. To make informed decisions and ensure you’ve answered “how long does canned food last?” it's essential to check for “best before” or “use by” dates. Whilst canned foods may be safe to eat after the “best before” date, the USDA recommends discarding higher-acid canned foods after 18 months from the purchase date.

Canned peaches alongside fresh peaches.
via Canva

How Long Does Canned Meat Last?

Canned meats, the unsung heroes of quick and hearty meals, belong to the low-acid clan. These protein-packed powerhouses can grace your pantry shelves for two to five years before their quality deteriorates. The question “How long does canned food last?” especially in the context of canned meat, is crucial for those who rely on these staples for easier meals. Whilst there will likely be a “best before” date on these cans, they can remain perfectly safe to consume provided the cans are kept in good condition and stored in a cool, dry spot. With meat products especially, it's important to ask yourself  “how long does canned food last?” to prevent overstocking and wastage.

How long canned food lasts does depend on a number of factor.
via Canva

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How Long Do Canned Vegetables Last?

Answering “how long does canned food last?” is also key with vegetables. The versatile sidekicks of any meal share the same longevity as their meaty counterparts. These low-acid wonders can maintain their freshness for two to five years on the shelf, ensuring you always have a nutritious option at your fingertips. Although we know how long canned food does last, it’s important to remember that the taste and texture may change over time and that, should any cans show signs of damage, their contents should be discarded.

An assortment of canned vegetables.
via Canva

How Long Does Canned Milk Last?

Canned milk can be a lifesaver in times of need. This creamy delight can grace your pantry for up to two years, providing a reliable source of calcium and richness for all your culinary endeavors. However, as with any canned goods, it's crucial to watch for any signs of spoilage or damage to the can itself. As always, answering “how long does canned food last?” depends on the storage and condition of your cans.

How long does canned food last, including milk?
via Canva

How Long Does Canned Food Last After Opening?

Deterioration begins once the seal has been broken and the can's contents exposed to the elements. Most opened canned goods should be consumed within three or four days and all should be refrigerated. This timeframe may vary slightly depending on the type of food, but it's always better to err on the side of caution.

Once opened, canned food can deteriorate quite quickly.
via Canva

How Long Does Home-Canned Food Last?

The rules are slightly different for home-canned foods. While commercially canned goods can boast impressive shelf lives, their homemade counterparts typically have a shorter lifespan of around one year. However, fear not — proper canning and storage techniques ensure your homemade preserves can still be enjoyed long after their initial creation.

How long does home-canned food last?
via Canva

How Long Is Canned Food Good for After the Expiration Date?

Now, let's address the elephant in the pantry – those pesky "best by" dates that seem to taunt us from every can. Have you ever wondered, “How long does canned food last after the expiration date?” While it's generally recommended to consume canned goods within the specified timeframe for optimal quality, the truth is, that they can often remain safe for consumption well beyond that date. Storing them properly, ensuring the cans have no signs of damage and knowing, for different food types, the answer to the question “how long does canned food last?” are all key to avoiding unnecessary waste.

Canned food can still be edible long after the
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What Does the Expiration Date on Canned Food Mean?

Contrary to popular belief, those "best by" dates don’t necessarily show when a canned item becomes inedible. Instead, they serve as a guideline for when the food's quality, texture and flavor may deteriorate. Think of them as a gentle reminder that your canned treasures won't remain at their peak forever.

It's important to review the expiration date on any canned food that you buy.
via Canva

How To Tell if Canned Food Has Gone Bad

While expiration dates can be misleading, there are telltale signs that a canned item has truly gone bad. Look out for bulging or leaking cans, any off-putting odors or discoloration upon opening. If the can appears dented, rusted, or otherwise compromised, it's best to be cautious and discard it, no matter how tempting the contents seem.

There are a few key signs to lookout for to discern whether canned food has gone bad.
via Canva

How To Store Canned Food

Proper storage is key to ensuring your canned goods maintain their quality and longevity. Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures, hot or cold, as this can accelerate the deterioration process. Instead, opt for a cool, dry, dark location, such as a pantry or cupboard, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

How long does canned food last? It'll last for a long time if stored correctly!
via Canva

How To Store Open Canned Food

How long does canned food last once opened and stored in the refrigerator? Once a can has been opened, its contents are exposed to the elements and its shelf life becomes significantly shorter. To extend your food’s lifespan, transfer any leftovers to an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. This will help prevent spoilage and preserve your food’s freshness for a few days.

It's important to store canned food properly once the can has been opened.
via Canva

Is Storing Food in Open Cans Safe?

While it may be tempting to simply cover an open can and pop it back into the fridge, this practice is generally discouraged. Cans are not designed for long-term storage once opened as the metal can react with the food once the factory seal has been broken, potentially affecting its taste and safety. It's always better to transfer the contents to a food-safe container.

You should never store food in open cans as the metal can react with the food once the factory seal is broken.
via Canva

How To Store Home-Canned Food

If you've taken the plunge into home canning, congratulations! You've unlocked a world of culinary possibilities. However, it's crucial to store your homemade preserves correctly to ensure their longevity and safety. Opt for a cool, dark and dry location, and if in doubt over the question “how long does canned food last?”, simply refer back to this guide! Generally, you should consume home-canned foods within a year for optimal quality.

Store home-canned food in a cool, dark and dry spot, away from excessive heat, cold and moisture.
via Canva

Properly answering the question “how long does canned food last?”, whether commercially canned or canned at home, can help you make informed decisions about your pantry storage and food safety. It's essential to check expiration dates, storage methods and the condition of canned goods to ensure a safe pantry. 

It’s also important to avoid spoilage and follow guidelines on canned food shelf life after expiration. Trusted resources like the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service and The National Center for Home Food Preservation are reliable sources for food safety, so if in doubt, chem them out!

For even more ways to explore your favorite foods, check out other experiences happening on Cozymeal.